Welcome To

Allstar Beauty College

Your Career Starts Here

Become A Cosmetologist

Secure Your Future

As Little As 6 Months

Obtain Your Cosmetology License

Be Proud Of Yourself

Take Control Of Your Future


available courses for you

Cosmetology Operator

1000 hours

A person holding an Operator License may perform any field of cosmetology

750 hours

A person holding an Esthetician License may only perform facial & waxing.

600 hours

A person holding an Manicurist License may only perform manicure & pedicure.
Esthetician & Manicurist

1200 hours

A person holding both Esthetician and Manicurist Licenses may perform facial, waxing, manicure & pedicure.

Why Allstar Beauty College?

Our school of cosmetology is the best beauty college right here in Houston, TX. We proudly train and make a difference for everyone who is interested in having a booming career in the beauty industry. Our graduate success rate is above 90% with all finding a career within the first year after graduation.